1. 我的英文真的不好 = =
我说过很多次了,但是真的没有人理我 T.T 读英文书,并不代表我每个字都认识啊~ 用英文写部落格也不代表我英文用词能力强呗~ 说英文这只是因为本人的马来文超烂!!!本人很努力地学习中,因为我真的很想出国,也不想在国外饿死 = =|| 所以一连用华语写了3篇网志~
2. Choir,我不想上台指挥 ToT
3. 外表和内心的差别
4. 今天才发觉到的Point,我有拿华语,但却不是因为我的话语很好 = =a
从小学开始,我都有在上华语。是啊,所以呢?这并没有什么大不了的~拿华语只是因为我想做翻译,这话语是我最常用的语言呗~虽然如此,我的话语却是百般错误,用词不当,词不达意,句子更是严重的不通顺!!所以本人希望不必要的误会继续加深 = =+ 我那话语并不是因为我的话语很好,而是因为我想成为翻译!!!
Nasi Kebuli Megic com
6 years ago
is true....really make someone dislike it....
is it not ur outlook but is ur attitude...
please respect others...may b u dint notice but...
u did hurt someone when ur dominating some dicussion in front....it is not dicussion aready when u did this...
ur not fierce actually....serious? u dislike people playing when u r doing something...but u r doing the samething too....please make sure u r really good enough when u want somebody to obey u...
it is not fair what?u playing is fine...then we play get scolded(or it is not scold just but
starring at us)
sometime we r doing thing happily but that not mean we are not serious...please consider others feeling when u did something...
Just say what had happen and what somebody feeling...hope u can understand....
Human are not pecfect....as well as me also a human being....
i think this is the one and the only thing i can say...
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