Friday, November 12, 2010

Singing is my LIFE♥

that's not the only thing which is important in my LIFE actually... Of course, LOVE is what i need :)

LOVE, in my own dictionary, included many kinds :)

but that's not what i going to write here....

just want to tell someone, and no one... it's a secret that only kept deep inside my heart.... i don't what is LOVE between people, but i want to make my DREAMs come true... That's what i am doing now... keep writing and writing, non-stop writing and made those DREAMs become REAL as in the story....

LOVE between 2 different people -no matter gender, position, name, age- are splendid as fireworks and remain forever as the time passed....

and WORDs.... is the only thing left that i can still holding it tightly....

ya, i don't know what LOVE is, but still...... i hope that you can find LOVE in my story....

still....DONT know.... i dunno whether or not, i Love u.........


yumi小由 said...

go and try to find your love
without any thorns
until the end

Jessalyn Ker said...

I know right. you love me, who else.

dont afraid to love.
Love is amaze thing to try.
(: Support you .

Ping said...

yumi: LOLZZZ~~~~ never thought that there'll be someone who read it seriously and reply it seriously XD
thanks anyway.... we will..... LOOK for LOVE together :P

Jess: SORRY for not replying you ToT LOVE you always, always am XD hehe~~~ thanks anyway :)

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