I hate people talk about OTHERS people life or stuff or anything... Is HARD to handle our Life properly, isn't it?.? Then why should we care or bother or even TALK BAD about others life...
Maybe you think i'm just isolate myself from others or the WORLD... but i just can only take care of myself... and that's a difficult mission... There's always so many thing i need to do and learn... When people talk about Gossip or nonsense, i will just replied with more nonsense, but no comment on GOSSIP...
Elders, especially WOMEN, They LOVE to talk about others stuff or problem... Maybe they talking about all those thing is only to educate their children or Showing Their Life is good or what or be proud of something or her Children... But is that a good thing to do just because u enjoy it so much till The Subject of their Topic will get HURT ...
OK, u can call me selfish or Ego or Self-center or whatever u want... BUT...
I can just only handle my OWN life, and it's a DIFFICULT Mission!!!
I just want a PEACEFUL LIFE which will only fill with Friendship, is already enough...
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